Norheimsund is the administrative center of Kvam, while Øystese, Strandebarm and Aalvik are among the villages in the municipality.

We have 8 560 inhabitants, and we have received a lot of new inhabitants the past few years. Here we have a public service that upholds a high level, and three high schools. Businesses in the municipality are diverse. The two largest businesses is the smelter Elkem Bjolvefossen AS in Aalvik, and the shipyard Fjellstrand AS at Oma, which among other things makes speed boats in aluminum. The travel industry is also important for us, and in Kvam we have 2 hotels and about 200 holiday houses for rent. In addition there are about 3000 vacation cottages in the municipality, especially Kvamskogen is a place for leisure and rest. Other livelihoods are furniture industry, mechanic industry, livestock and a good environment for agriculture and dairy industry.

The cultural life in Kvam is robust, and in growth. The art school in Hardanger (a high school) is established and in Aalvik the cultural centre Messen is located. Many famous painters have exhibitions here. In Øystese we have the new art house Kabuso, which is an important cultural facilitator. In Norheimsund we have Hardanger Ship Preservation Centre, which is a national center for restoration of wooden boats. Kvam is planning a regional cultural centre in Norheimsund. Kvam has won the price for the best cultural offer in Hordaland in 2006 and 2012. In addition, Norheimsund won the State price as a proof of being “the attractive place” in 2013.

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