
Vest-Norges Brusselkontor mottar jevnlig partnersøk fra vårt europeiske nettverk. Aktuelle partnersøk for våre medlemmer vil legges ut fortløpende på denne siden.

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INTERREG EUROPE – Preveting, combatting, and overcoming youth mental health through interregional peer-to-peer learning

The Youth Service of the Municipality of Murcia (Spain) is looking for partners for an INTERREG EUROPE proposal – Preventing, combatting, and overcoming youth mental health through interregional peer-to-peer learning.

The aim of the project is to work collaboratively and with a holistic approach across European regions and cities in order to prevent, combat, and overcome youth mental health. The specific objective is equal access to health care, health systems resilience, family-based and community-based care.

  • Project coordinator: Youth Service – Municipality of Murcia (Spain)
  • Budget: Around 1.500.000€
  • Partners needed: Regional/local public entities or public law bodies responsible for the development and/or implementation of policies in the field of youth, education or health

For more information clichere.

Contact details:

–  Consuelo Garcí

–  Carolina

Submission date: 7th of June 2024.


INTERREG EUROPE – Digital inclusion in Europe

The project aims at improving public policies and actions in the field of digital inclusion. Bordeaux Métropole and the rest of the partners wish to exchange on good practice to improve their actions against digital inequality. Bordeaux Métropole has approved a digital inclusion strategy and wishes to improve the outreach of its Metropolitan Observatory for Digital Inclusion.

Digital inclusion, often overlooked, is a multifaceted challenge that permeates through various sectors. While technological advancements and innovation take the forefront in digital policies, digital matters sometimes take a backseat in social policies.

But the reality is that digital exclusion is a deep, complex challenge that affects a large part of the European population. A third of Europeans lack the basic skills to navigate the digital world, and up to 80% struggle using digital technologies to varying degrees. Unlike previous technological revolutions, this one is much more complex: it comes with a cost, widens the gap, and weakens our social fabric.

Digital inequality is a new way of exclusion. Action against digital inequality paves the way for effective equal access to fundamental rights such as employment, housing, health protection, justice, education, family and children protection.

The following bodies are eligible to receive Interreg or Norwegian funds and can therefore participate as ‘partners’ in Interreg Europe projects:

Public authorities: 80% cofinancing rate, except for Norway and Switzerland
Public law bodies (bodies governed by public law): 80% cofinancing rate, except for Norway and Switzerland
Private non-profit bodies: 70% cofinancing rate, except for Norway and Switzerland

Each partner state is responsible for confirming the legal status of partners located on its territory. If there is any doubt in this respect, applicants should contact their partner state representative directly. Partner state contact details are available on the programme’s website (

Lead partner: Bordeaux Métropole (body governed by public law)

Proposed number of partners: from 5 to 8 covering all geographical areas

Please note that each partner must identify one main policy instrument (even if a regional development issue can often be addressed through several policy instruments). At least one of the policy instruments in the project needs to be an Investment for Jobs and Growth goal programme.

In addition, a stakeholder group must be created for each of the policy instruments addressed by the project. This group should be constituted of organisations from the ‘region’ with a stake in the policy issue addressed. By actively involving these organisations in the cooperation work, the project should also contribute to increasing their capacity.

The Interreg Europe programme has an Interreg funds budget of EUR 394.5 million for the 2021-2027 period, out of which 347.6 million are dedicated to co-finance interregional cooperation projects.

Applications for the third call may be submitted by the 7 June (12:00 CEST)

For more information: click here.

Digital inclusion in Europe_Bordeaux Métropole.


INTERREG EUROPE – Improving regional public policies on water management to reduce energy consumption and make water resources more accessible, efficient, and sustainable.

The Directorate General for Water of the Region of Murcia (Spain) is looking for partners for an INTERREG EUROPE proposal – Improving regional public policies on water management to reduce energy consumption and make water resources more accessible, efficient, and sustainable.

The objective of the project is to improve regional public policies in Europe on sustainable water management through interregional peer-to-peer learning to ensure resilience, efficiency, and sustainability in the existing water resources. The specific objective is access to water and sustainable water management.

Project coordinator: The Directorate General for Water of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Budget: Around 1.500.000€
Partners needed: Regional public entities or public law bodies responsible for the development and/or implementation of policies in the field of water management

The project will focus on the following aspects of sustainable water management:

  • Integrated water management
  • Multi-level governance
  • Water reuse infrastructure
  • Technological innovation
  • Climate resilience and disaster risk reduction
  • Public awareness and acceptance

For more information click here.

Contact details:

– Consuelo Garcí

– Carolina

Submission date: 7th of June 2024